Two men we know went out to sea,
Onboard a grey G.R.P.
Went out fishing with a net,
But not for white fish I will bet.
To catch some salmon they did go,
One shoots the net the other rows.
They drift down stream with the tide,
So along the shore the bailiffs hide.
For hours we wait for their return,
You would think by now that they would learn.
Once back in the river they look about,
Feeling safe because our boats not out.
They return to their mooring with their catch,
Unaware that we are keeping watch.
Unload the fish and prepare to go,
But all is recorded on the video.
In their vehicle they drive to the gate,
Still do not know that we lie in wait.
The vehicle is stopped without much fuss,
They certainly did not expect to see us.
In the boot a sack is found,
We tip it out upon the ground.
Out slip the salmon they have taken,
Illegally caught there's no mistaking.
Both are booked and we are pleased,
Their car and boat both are seized.
Our jobs not finished, reports to write,
But a pint or two we will drink tonight.
When all is done we will have to wait,
For the verdict of the magistrate.
The case we win, and many more,
Some have convictions from before.
All are fined and will have to pay,
For taking salmon on that day.
The fish are forfeit but not the gear,
So they'll be back again next year.
Fewer and fewer venture out,
Especially if we are about.
The risks too high of being caught,
And ending up in front of the court.
But some still try and will not quit,
The NRA bailiffs to outwit.
We do our job and not by half,
And plan to have the very last laugh.
New laws are passed by the state,
All objections are too late.
The poachers meet and talk and wonder,
How the salmon they can plunder.
To use a drift net now will be
Illegal in the Estuary
Two years go by, all too fast
Since the Bye Laws first were past.
The poachers no longer go out to fish,
For days gone by they must surely wish.
All but one have stayed in port,
And even he was quickly caught.
His previous record he could not hide,
He lost his boat and was put inside.
No more illegal fishing's done,
At last we've finished what we began.
The Licensed Netsmen now we watch,
What they use, and what they catch.
Four are allowed, against our will,
To use Trammel Nets instead of Gill.
Two hundred yards and no more,
Is less than they have used before.
They think they can, but we won't let,
Them fish for Salmon with too much net.
We watch them fishing and record
How much net they have onboard.
Extra net is what we find,
Surely they don't think we're blind.
They all protest that times are hard,
And only did it because the fishing's bad.
The laws been broken that's for sure,
They can't abuse it as they have before.
All are reported for the offence,
Against the Video there's no defence.
Even with convictions they still can fish,
We can't change this, even though we wish.
Next year the nets will all be Gill,
To buy these new they'll pay the bill.
Just one more cost that they must bare,
Even though they protest that it's not fair.
We'll keep up the pressure, and enforce the law
Irrespective of what's gone on before.
The time has come and we hope that we
An end to netting soon will see.
The Salmon then will be free
To swim up though our estuary.
Six years have past - time has moved on,
But now we find that something's wrong.
The salmon's been dealt another blow,
Fish are scarce, stocks are low.
Rod and net catches, for some reason
Are getting fewer every season.
Many factors form the explanation,
One concern is exploitation.
We've brought in laws, so now at least
Some rod caught salmon are released.
This was done against the anglers will,
Many of them still want to kill
The drift nets too are finding it tough
So much so, two have had enough.
They were so disheartened they did not apply,
And this years licence did not buy.
The time limit has past, now it's too late,
So from this year on there'll be six not eight.
Even these may no longer fish,
If the rod fishery owners get their wish.
Offers have been made, the secret's out,
Rod fishermen want to buy the licencees out.
The netting season starts on June the first,
Unless the netsmen get some money first.
Is it conservation or simply greed
That's driving fishery owners to succeed?
Buying out the nets will no doubt deliver
A few more fish into the river.
These must be protected at all cost,
Or the salmon as a species will be lost.
It's now our task to educate
The angler's before it is too late.
They must simply learn to enjoy the sport,
And not to kill what they have caught.
We must stop this practice before it's too late,
And not let money decide this creatures fate.
Salmon live in river and the sea,
Catch them yes, but then set them free.
Wild salmon are a thing of beauty,
To see they survive is our duty.
But I'm afraid that money is being spent
So that owners can charge a higher rent.
It's a philosophy that I find insane,
Increasing stocks for monitory gain.
We must stop exploiting rivers and the sea
So that the salmon that survive will at least be free.